Monday, December 10, 2012

My race and ethnicity

I'm Hispanic and my ethnicity is basically argentinean. My mother and stepfather are both from argentina as well, born and raised, and there is a big european influence coming from my grandmother and grandfather, but mainly from my grandfather. He was born in Geneva, Italy and after he escaped from world war two he went to argentina where he met and married my my grandmother Maria Elena Georges 15 years later.

    As far as I can trace my ancestry I know that my grandfather's dad, Alberto Magrini, was from the north part of Italy and my grandmother's mom, Virginia Gonzalez, was descendant from Spain but spent most part of her life in argentina. My mother's last name "Magrini" comes straight from Italy and my last name "Islas" comes from Spain. The only big events that might have changed the ethnicity of my family was the divorce of my mom with my dad, my step dad joining me and my mom and the fact that my grandfather escaped from Italy yo go to argentina and marry my grandmother.

   On my stepfather's side, his father was born in Italy in a town close to Napoles. His mom was also from Italy but from Milan and she also came to argentina  at the beginning of the 19th century. My stepfather's last name " Calandrelli" also comes from Italy, that's why there's a big italian influence in my family

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