Monday, December 10, 2012

Ads perpetuating racial/ethnic stereotypes

This ad represents typical stereotype. 
It´s stereotyping that all latin girls are hot, touchy and horny. So it's implying that the beer is the only cold Latina because there are no cold Latinas in real life. So the prejudice would be that all latin girls are hot. There is some lack of awareness on the ad because I believe the seller doesn't really know how to sell the product without stereotyping.

My race and ethnicity

I'm Hispanic and my ethnicity is basically argentinean. My mother and stepfather are both from argentina as well, born and raised, and there is a big european influence coming from my grandmother and grandfather, but mainly from my grandfather. He was born in Geneva, Italy and after he escaped from world war two he went to argentina where he met and married my my grandmother Maria Elena Georges 15 years later.

    As far as I can trace my ancestry I know that my grandfather's dad, Alberto Magrini, was from the north part of Italy and my grandmother's mom, Virginia Gonzalez, was descendant from Spain but spent most part of her life in argentina. My mother's last name "Magrini" comes straight from Italy and my last name "Islas" comes from Spain. The only big events that might have changed the ethnicity of my family was the divorce of my mom with my dad, my step dad joining me and my mom and the fact that my grandfather escaped from Italy yo go to argentina and marry my grandmother.

   On my stepfather's side, his father was born in Italy in a town close to Napoles. His mom was also from Italy but from Milan and she also came to argentina  at the beginning of the 19th century. My stepfather's last name " Calandrelli" also comes from Italy, that's why there's a big italian influence in my family


1) A big difference on nowadays' situation is that Americans think immigrants want to steal their jobs, so they have been trying to stop as many as they can from crossing the border and blending into their societies by getting more security staff or building higher and stronger walls. The ideas of these immigrants remain the same. They just want their starving families to get a daily food or a house to sleep in. Majority of them are harmless, they just want a decent job like anybody else but since they can't they have to do the "dirty" jobs that americans don't want to do. The majority of the immigrants can barely make it through the dessert. And the few of them that make it through and blend into the american society they are limited to only do the dirty jobs for long periods under horrible conditions in order to send some money to their families in their countries.
2) They all have the same values, they all want the same things and the all want to reach the same goal but some people live under different conditions and in bad situations so they might not be able to have the same chances to achieve those goals.
    Talking about values related to hard working, immigrants are willing to take any job that could get them some money for them and for their families. However, Americans don't like doing these dirty jobs because they think they are too good, so these immigrants since they have no money and no choice but to do them. Moreover, americans think they should be grateful for having these jobs and being in america.

Counting people

Counting people obviously helps to understand the different races and ethnicities when talking about science and statistics. It also allows scientists to quantify people by their races over many places in the world.
      From a sociological point of view, counting people according to racial categories is kind of necessary because it's supposed to be good to have knowledge about where people com from, who they are, human race and their behavior. However, this is only useful up to certain point. Usually some people would consider this as racism and might perceive it as an exaggerated defense  of a particular group.
     Talking about the conditions of the people in society, this shouldn't affect or influence their conditions if it;s done only for a statistic study of the census. It is acceptable to separate people into different race/ethnic groups as long as that doesn't affect some peoples' conditions but they are necessary for the society so they can keep track of everything and have knowledge about important facts on each society.

Hispanic influence on America.

1. Hispanic Influence on America.
The majority of Hispanics are of Mexican origin. Mexicans make up 65% of the Hispanic population that resides in the U.S. Puerto Ricans are the second largest group, and they are 9% of the population. Cubans are the third largest group, comprising 4% of the Hispanic population. Central Americans make up 8% of the population and South Americans make up 6% of the population. The rest of Hispanics include 8% of the Hispanic population in the United States.
Hispanic influence, and especially Mexican, in USA is without a doubt, is huge. During many years, hundreds of thousands of latinos have come to USA from different countries of Latin America and have been established and creating the largest minority in America. When it comes to measuring the degree of Latino influence on American culture, the jury is in: It is present, it is profound, it is pervasive and it is permanent. More important: It is a shared perspective. Whole generations have been influencing the American families in different aspects of their lives. From music, food to sport and cultural tastes.

According to a study done by Conill Hispanic advertising agency (where my step dad works), the main influence is food:
“PREDICTABLY, THE TOUCH POINT RANKED BY HISPANICS AND NON- HISPANICS AS DELIVERING THE GREATEST INFLUENCE ON AMERICAN CULTURE IS FOOD. Almost 90% of non-Hispanics saw it as having the most prominent impact, placing it nearly 25 percentage points ahead of the next greatest influence, music (63%). Hispanics gave food a slightly more modest share at 82%, and music was only seven points behind at 75%.
While music ranked second in overall impact on American culture as perceived by all Americans, there are important geographic differences. Hispanics in New York, Miami and McAllen, Texas, note a substantial effect of Hispanic culture in music at 86%, 86% and 90%, respectively. These cities also comprise the top three markets for non-Hispanics on the music question, albeit to a lesser degree at 75%, 73%, and 71%, respectively. In Nashville, the center of country music, just 42% of non-Hispanics (the lowest mark of any city) and 67% of Hispanics feel a Latino beat —a stunning 25-percentage point gap between the two, and both lower than their respective national averages.

The Latino influence in SPORTS is felt most acutely among non- Hispanics in New York (72%) and least in Detroit (48%). Baseball, however, demonstrates how deeply integrated Hispanics are in American sports culture. The National Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown, NY has installed a permanent ¡Viva Baseball! exhibit celebrating Latino contributions to America’s favorite pastime, and the number of Latino players in the league has surged in the last two decades, jumping from 13% in 1990 to 28% on opening day in 2010.1
The Hispanic community gives itself high marks for influencing BEAUTY STANDARDS (64%),STYLE AND APPEARANCE(62%), and CLOTHING (61%). Only about a third (32%) of non-Hispanics believe that Latinas have had a great to moderate impact on standards of beauty,
a proportion that remains largely constant across demographics and is essentially the equivalent weight they give to the Hispanic influence on clothing (34%). On matters of style and appearance, non-Hispanics seem more aware of Latino influence (48%) than they are on beauty (32%).

Both non-Hispanic and Hispanic audiences size up the impact of Latino culture in TELEVISION PROGRAMMING and channel real estate in equal force, as 54% of each segment see moderate to great influence, highlighting a strong presence in the channel lineup combined with the proliferation
of Latino actors in general market television and cable programming. Univision now ranks as the nation’s fifth most popular network and two of the highest paid actors on television from May 2011 to May 2012 were women of Hispanic descent: Sofia Vergara of “Modern Family” and Eva Longoria of “Desperate Housewives.”
Even with the ascension of these actresses into mainstream television, however, negative stereotypes of Hispanics are viewed as a fixture in media, with 73% of Hispanics and 68% of non-Hispanics noting their presence.”

That being said, we can add that there is a great cultural influence in literature, too.
Don Quijote de La Mancha is the second most translated book in the world behind the Bible. The Hispanic authors, Gabriel García Márquez and Isabel Allende, are two of the most influential writers in the world.
And in Hollywood, we have movies like Selena, The Mask Of Zorro, Traffix (a movie about drug-trafficking and its effects on the Mexican-American border), El Mariachi, Desesperado, Bandidas, and Once Upon A Time In Mexico explores Mexican culture.
On the other hand, the Hispanic influence in politics today is huge. Decision-makers of the last elections, Hispanics are the favorite democratic target since a couple of years, because these are who finally decide elections.
The number of voters to overcome 25% of the total. In 2008, 67% of Hispanics voted for Barack Obama and in 2012 was a total of 73%. Hispanics are concentrated in nine states which together control 75% of the electoral votes a candidate would need to win the presidency.
The TIME MAGAZINE listed the 25 most influencial hispanics in USA, being Alberto Gonzalez de first one. He hast been very close to Ex -president Bush and was named Attorney General of the White House. Mel Martinez, a cuban-american senator, Lionel Sosa, a son of mexican immigrants, who has been Respublican senator for years. Antonio Gonzalez, creator of the Southwest Voter Registration Education Project (SVREP), Antonio Villaraigosa, mayor of LA.
Then, outside politic world, we can see Cristina Saralegui, Univision Network host, Gustavo Santaolalla, two times Oscar winner music, movie director Robert Rodriguez, Alisa Valdez Rodriguez, Antony Romero, Arturo Moreno, George Lopez, Jennifer Lopez among others, that make hispanic influence so big.

American Jewish

“No Christian community in history identified more with the People of the Book than did the early settlers of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, who believed their own lives to be a literal reenactment of the Biblical drama of the Hebrew nation ... these émigré Puritans dramatized their own situation as the righteous remnant of the Church corrupted by the‘Babylonian woe,’ and saw themselves as instruments of Divine Providence, a people chosen to build their new commonwealth on the Covenant entered into at Mount Sinai.”
Gabriel Sivan in The Bible and Civilization (Page 236).

American Jewish history began in 1492 with the expulsion of the Jews from Spain. This fact establishes a period of intense Jewish migration to the USA.
Some Jews, trying to escape from the clutches of the Inquisition in the 16th century took refuge in Netherlands. A century later, hundreds of their descendants crossed the ocean to settle in the new Dutch colony of Recife in Brazil, where Jewsih life community settled for the first time in the new world.
When Portugal regained the colony in 1654, the Jews were dispersed. The refugees went to the Dutch Caribbean, where new Jewish communities were created. A group of approximately 23 Jews sailed to the remote Dutch port of new Amsterdam and asked permission to settle there. This marked the beginning of Jewish community life in North America.
The Judaism of the colonial period as population never exceeded a tenth of one percent of the U.S. population, however, established patterns of Jewish community life which persisted for generations.
The majority of Jews lived in port cosmopolitan cities like New York and Newport where the trading opportunities abounded, and people of diverse backgrounds and faiths lived with each other.
The sephardím maintained its cultural hegemony in Jewish life in the 19th century, although by then the Ashkenazi Jews (from Central and Eastern Europe) were much more numerous.
The American Revolution marked a turning point not only in American Jewish history, but also in modern Jewish history in general. Never before a great nation was committed so deeply with the principles of freedom and democracy in general and religious freedom in particular. Jews and members of other minority religions could dissent of the religious views of the majority without fear of persecution.
The Civil War divided the Jews as well as across the nation. There were Jews in the North and the South, there were Jews who supported slavery and others who condemned it, there were Jews who fought for the Union and there were them who fought for the Confederacy. In many respects the Civil war affected the Jews as it did with other Americans.
The XX century witnessed the emergence of American Jews in the Jewish world. With the passage of time, the Jews of the United States became the third largest community Jewish in the world, after Russia and Austria-Hungary, with approximately one million Jews. Approximately half of Jews lived in New York, which was the most populous, much greater, twice as large Jewish community that which resided in Warsaw, Poland. In the mid-nineteenth century the Jewish population in the United States was only 50,000 Jews while about 16,000 Jews lived in New York.
In 1900, more than 40% of the Jews in the United States were recent immigrants and the largest immigration wave was still to come. Between 1900 and 1924, reached 1,750,000, most of Eastern Europe, in 1930 Jews were the 3 ½ % of the total population.

(WIKIPEDIA quote) During the World War II more than 550,000 Jews served in the U.S. military; about 11,000 were killed and more than 40,000 were wounded. There were three recipients of the Medal of Honor, 157 recipients of the Army Distinguished Service Medal, Navy Distinguished Service Medal, Distinguished Service Cross, Navy Cross or, and about 1600 recipients of the Silver Star. About 50,000 other decorations. citations and awards were given to Jewish military personnel, for a total of 52,000 decorations. During this period, Jews were approximately 3.3 percent of the total U.S. population but constituted about 4.23 percent of the U.S. armed forces. About 60 percent of all Jewish physicians in the United States under 45 years of age were in service as military physicians and medics.
Many Jewish physicists, including project lead j. Robert Oppenheimer, were involved in the Manhattan Project, the secret World War II effort to develop the atomic bomb. Many of these were refugees from Nazi Germany or from antisemitic persecution elsewhere in Europe.
Today Jews are 6.59 million in the USA according to the Jewish Data Bank of 2011. Most of the live in New York, and then Miami, Chicago, Philadelfia and Los Angeles.

Influential jews in USA.
Alan Greenspan, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Gerald Levin, Senator Joseph Lieberman, Steven Spielberg, Julie Wiener, Ari Fleischer, Michael Bloomberg, Rabbi Herman Neuberger, Steve Ballmer, Rabbis Nosson Scherman and Meir Zlotowitz, Brad Turell, Rebbetzin Miriam Feldman, Mortimer Zuckerman, Abraham Foxman, Dr. Laura Schlessinger, Jon Stewart, Clark Howard, Robert Wexler, Jay Schottenstein, Calvin Klein, Michael Ovitz, Aaron Sorkin, Mel Brooks, Philip Glass are some of the examples of influential people in every field in the USA.
The american folk music have a lot of examples of this: musicians like Woodie Guthrie, Leadbelly and Pete Seeger in the 40´s and 50´s and Bob Dylan in the 60´s.
Important writers, such as JD Salinger, Elie Wiesel, Daniel Stern, Bernard Malamud, Isaac Bashevis Singer, etc.
Entertainers as Zac Efron, Scarlet Johansson, Jonah Hill, Mila Kunis, Seth Rogen, Zach Braff, Adrien Brody, James Franco, Andy Samberg, Larry David, Albert Brooks, Billy Cristal, Bette Midler, Woody Allen, Dustin Hoffman, Lauren Bacall, Jerry Lewis, Marx Brothers, etc.

Muslims in USA

Today, there are 2,6 million, that´s 1% of the total population.
Nobody really  knows when the first muslims arrived to America. Theories talk about Muslims arriving long before Christopher Columbus.
The first data is from 1176, a Chinese document known as the Sung Document records the voyage of Muslim sailors to a land known as Mu-Lan-Pi (America). Mention of this document is contained in the publication, the Khotan Amiers, 1933. (FROM the web page
The same webpage says that African Muslims (Mandinga) arrive in the Gulf o Mexico for exploration of the American interior using the Mississippi River as their access route. These Muslim explorers were from Mali and other parts of West Africa.

In 1530 first slaves come from Africa, and a lot of them were muslims.
In 1807 this interesting story is written in islam101: Yarrow Mamout, an African Muslim slave, is set free in Washington DC, and later becomes one of the first shareholders of the second chartered bank in America, the Columbia Bank. Yarrow may have lived to be more than 128 years old, the oldest person in American history. Two portraits of Yarrow done by well known artists are on public display. The first, painted by Charles W. Peal in 1819 was done when Yarrow was 100 years old. It hangs in the Historical Society of Pennsylvania. A second portrait completed by James Simpson in 1828, almost a decade later, can be seen in the Peabody Room at the Georgetown Public Library, Washington DC.
During 1800´s, a lot of muslims slaves are set free, starting their lives in USA.
In 1893 a huge group of muslims immigrants from Ottoman empire, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan arrive to North America.
During the 20 century, the number increased because of immigration and mostly, convertion. African-Americans are mainly 25% of the native born muslims. In the United States, there are essentially three categories of Muslims: 1) immigrants; 2) American converts/reverts to Islam; and 3) those born to the first two groups as Muslims. During the last 70 years they have been converted and also in prisions. J.M.Wallers claims that 80% of prisoners in New York, "find faith" while in prison, convert to Islam. Notables such as Malcom X, Mike Tyson and H.Rap brown.
The US government, worried about this, is working on this convertions. On the Review of the Federal Bureau of Prisons made by the US Department of Justice in April 2004 the conclusion was this:

Religious services providers are in a unique position to influence the beliefs and conduct of inmates. The presence of extremist chaplains, contractors, or volunteers in the BOP’s correctional facilities can pose a threat to institutional security and could implicate national security if inmates are encouraged to commit terrorist acts against the
United States. For this reason, it is imperative that the BOP has in place sound screening and supervision practices that will identify persons who seek to disrupt the order of its institutions or to inflict harm on the United States through terrorism.
We recognize that the BOP has made significant improvements since our review was initiated in March 2003 to better screen extremist religious services providers. However, our review found that while the BOP has not identified widespread problems with inmate radicalization and terrorist recruiting, chaplaincy services in the BOP remain vulnerable to infiltration by religious extremists, and supervision practices in BOP chapels need strengthening. For example, the BOP currently does not screen religious services providers’ doctrinal beliefs to determine whether the providers pose a security threat. Moreover, once granted access to an institution, the providers typically have ample
opportunity to deliver messages without supervision from BOP staff. The BOP also does not effectively use the expertise of its current Muslim chaplains to screen, recruit, and supervise Muslim religious services providers. In addition, the BOP has not developed a recruiting strategy or alternative endorsement requirements to end its shortage of Muslim chaplains. Furthermore, the FBI and the BOP have not effectively exchanged information about endorsing organizations’ possible connections to terrorism. In our view, these and other practices identified in this report create unnecessary risks to prison and national security.

In 1933 the Nation of Islamn, is founded.
(Wikipedia) The Nation of Islam (NOI) is a syncretic new religious movement founded in Detroit, Michigan by Wallace D. Fard Muhammad in July. Its stated goals are to improve the spiritual, mental, social, and economic condition of African Americans in the United States and all of humanity.Its critics accuse it of being black supremacist and antisemitic.
After Fard's disappearance in June 1934, the Nation of Islam was led by Elijah Muhammad, who established mosques called Temples, Schools named Muhammad University of Islam, businesses, farms and real estate holdings in the United States and abroad.
The Nation of Islam's notable leaders are Elijah Muhammad, Malcolm X, Louis Farrakhan and Warith Deen Mohammed. The Nation of Islam's headquarter mosque, Mosque Maryam (Mosque #2) is located in Chicago, ILand its leader is Minister Louis Farrakhan. Its official news publication is The Final Call Newspaper. The Nation of Islam does not publish its membership numbers; the core membership of the Nation of Islam is estimated between 20,000 and 50,000, but their following is believed to be larger.Most of the members are in the United States, but there are communities in other countries, including Canada, United Kingdom, France, and Trinidad and Tobago.
This is the list of notables American Muslims in USA: Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Muhamad Ali, Malcom X, T-Pain, Shaquille O´Neal, Hakeem Olajuwon, Dave Chapelle, Akil, Busta Rhymes, Ice Cube, Jermaine Jackson, Mos Def, Snoop Dogg.